Dear Members & Guests, welcome to Vietnam Golf & Country Club. As the most establishes club in the South of Vietnam, we have developed a set of basic Club Etiquette Rules for all golfers to abide by when visiting VGCC. Good golf etiquette has for centuries been a tradition of the game of golf. The basic principle being that every golfers should at all times show consideration to other players, to the golf club, the course, facilities & clubs staff. On each and every visit to VGCC, please be aware of the following and practice good etiquette at the club.
Making a booking prior to play is an important part of playing golf. VGCC is a very busy club, and we cannot guarantee a tee time for any player who fails to book. Likewise when you have made a booking, you must be ready on the tee box before your start time. You should arrive at the club at least 20minutes before your tee time, but 30-40 minutes before is generally considered a comfortable arrival time.
If you are late for your tee time we will do our best to get you on the course at the next available tee time if another time is available, this however cannot be guaranteed.
In consideration of others, Members are requested to park their cars on 60 degree angle as to ensure that the greatest number of cars can be accommodated.
The clubs lobby area is strictly a drop off / pick up point. It is unacceptable to park your car or have your driver wait in the lobby for several minutes as this is a particularly busy area, which must constantly flow to avoid disruption to others. Please observe this rule at all times.
The clubhouse is an area for all golfers and guests to enjoy. It’s expected that upon entering the clubhouse, you act and are dressed appropriately. Shoes are required at all times; keep your voice to a normal level.
If you have completed your round of golf, Please wash/clean your shoes at the shoe cleaning bay adjacent to the main staircase entering the clubhouse from the course.
No food or beverages from outside may be brought to the clubhouse or course at any time. We provide many F & B options both in the clubhouse and around the course at pop-stands. Persons with special medical problems that require eating or drinking of special foods may make a special request to the General Manager for consideration.
When using the restaurant if you’re carrying any luggage or hand bags.You may keep them in your locker, or as you enter the restaurant a bagdrop area is provided on the left hand side. Feet must be kept under the tables and not placed on the chairs.
Dress Code: Casual Wear - No bare footed - No bare body
You will be provided a locker key, a locker and a plastic bag for dirty clothes and a clean towel for showering. When dressing and undressing, please avoid using up to much bench space, other golfers may be trying to use a locker near you. When you are finished please place your dirty towel in the basket provided and return the key to the locker reception desk.
All personal belongings should be locked at all times in your locker. Any items of great value should not be kept in lockers, for your own safety these can be checked in at the Receptionist area.
When using the make up room please place all tissues, cotton buds in trash bin provided, and when using items such as hair products, creams, please put them back where you found them & leave the area in the same condition as you found it.
VGCC takes no responsibility for any loss or personal items; however we will do our best to locate any items that have been lost.
While some clubs do completely ban the use of mobile phones, here at VGCC we do not. We accept that cell-phones are a part of modern day life, and life cannot stop once a golfer enters the club. However in particular on the course please be considerate of other golfers around you trying to play golf. Never hold up the speed of play to take a phone call. If this situation arises whereby an important call must be taken, please skip the hole. Don’t stand in the middle of the putting green taking a call and expect people to wait for you. Cell-phones should also be kept by the player at all times. VGCC takes no responsibility for the loss of your cell-phone or any other personal item.
For visitors to the club, the lowest handicap golfer in the group, or in the case of the group having a member in the group, the member with the lowest handicap shall be responsible for the group’s actions throughout the round, including speed of play, the following of rules and etiquette during the game at all times.
Please play from the tee markers that are most appropriate to your skill level.
The GOLD tees are reserved for single figure handicapped golfers. A higher handicap golfer is accepted on the Gold Tees only if the groups combined handicap does not exceed 36 (for a group of 4 players)
Golfers with a handicap higher than 18 must play from the White tee boxes, unless prior permission has been granted by the Starter or Director of golf. Any group with a combined handicap of above 72 must play from the white tees.
VGCC has a slow play policy and this should be adhered to at all times. During the course of a game speed of play is extremely important to keep play flowing for the enjoyment of EVERY golfer. A golfer should always be ready to play their shot when it is deemed to be there turn. If possible without disrupting or getting in the way of another golfer, always move to your ball as soon as possible without risking being hit by a playing partner.
Each hole on the course has a speed time. The maximum time for 18 hole play is 4 hrs 30mins this includes stopping at all 3 pop-stands throughout the round. The average time for 18 holes should be about 4 hrs & 15mins.
On the putting greens, when last player has holed out, all players should immediately move away from the green to the next tee box to let the proceeding group play onto the green and to avoid being hit by a golf ball. Mark the score card on the next tee box. Not on the putting green.
All par 3s have a compulsory call on for weekends, public holidays & busy days. Please follow the advice of marshals and caddies with regards as to when your group should call on.
VGCC staff present the golf course as best we can everyday. Please help us by not throwing rubbish on the ground including cigarette butts. Your caddy has a storage area for any kind of rubbish. Please use garbage bins provided on the tee boxes or hand any rubbish to your caddy. Your caddy should also pick up any rubbish seen around the course including your personal rubbish.
Course Marshals are entrusted with the responsibility to ensure that players adhere to the rules and regulations of play and show consideration to others on the course at all times.
Players are expected to observe all directions the Course Marshals may give from time to time. Marshals have the authority to ask any group to leave the course for the day and or return caddies and bags to the clubhouse if deemed necessary.
Any guest who, in the judgment of a Course Marshal, is unable to play with reasonable proficiency may be asked to leave the course without refund of golf fees.
Course Marshals are empowered to ensure that players do not engage in slow play. Directions & requests to speed up should be observed by all golfers. Marshals will warn golfers who are playing too slowly. If groups continue to play slower then the allocated speed time for each hole and or cannot speed up after being warned several times, marshals may ask you the group or offending players to leave the course for the day.
This is to enable ALL players to gain maximum enjoyment from the game.
There may be special rules or maintenance works on the course on any day. Check the information board at pop stands for daily updates and information.
Carts may be operated by persons only over the age of 17.
Golf carts must be kept on the cart paths at all times. When parking the cart please refrain from parking on the grass. Please park the cart on the left hand side of the cart path as close as possible to the edge of the cart path without touching the grass.
Carts may be operated by persons only over the age of 17.
Golf carts must be kept on the cart paths at all times. When parking the cart please refrain from parking on the grass. Please park the cart on the left hand side of the cart path as close as possible to the edge of the cart path without touching the grass.
Drive carts with care at all times, never have more than two golfers on a single cart, don't drive carts while other in your group are hitting, and if any damage is done to buggies during the round. Please report to the main starters or course marshals as soon as possible.
If you are the driver of a golf cart, please be aware of other golfers hitting a shot. This also applies to golfers in your group and other flights. If you are driving your cart within close proximity of players on the next tee box or green, it’s good practice to stop and wait until they have finished hitting.
Players use the carts at their own risk. The Club shall not be liable for any injury sustained arising from the use of the cart.
All golfers are welcome to use the practice greens and facilities on the day of play and for members it is available at any time. Please ensure that if you are chipping and pitching to the greens that you repair your pitch marks as when you practice there will not be caddies to repair the greens. This thus becomes completely the responsibility of the players using the practice areas.
No player shall hit a ball until the players in front are safely out of range.
Yell “fore” loudly if your shot has may possibly hit another golfer
Players should be silent and stand still while others are playing a shot close by them.
Do not stand directly behind the target line of a fellow player while they are hitting and try to remain still while others are hitting close by you.
If a problem arises on the course with another group of golfers or individual, please inform a course marshal; please do not take matters into your own hands.
Be absolutely quiet while another player hits. It’s bad etiquette to talk or start rattling through your golf bag while another golfer is making his or her shot. Show consideration to others around you and take note of where your shadow is at all times.
Always think about safety of yourself and others on the course.
Golf balls hurt !!
Avoid taking divots when taking practice swings.
Practicing on the course during a round is not allowed. This includes extra shots or chipping on tee boxes while waiting for groups in front to play. Each golfer may use 1 golf ball during a round.
Caddies duties include filling divots, repairing pitch marks and raking bunkers. However it is still the duty of the golfer to ensure that caddies repair damage to the course that your have created. If your caddy is not doing the tasks described above, please remind him/her to repair divots, pitch marks and rake the bunkers and if you have a bad experience with a caddy or any staff, please report to the Director of golf or General Manager.
Place all rubbish in trash - Cans provided around The course
Control your anger, outbursts - Any damage to the course - Is unacceptable at VGCC
Players playing on any of the Courses shall always give way to course maintenance workers working on the Courses concerned.
A person shall behave in a considerate and courteous manner towards other persons, the Company's officers and employees and all caddies provided by the Company.
No person shall use any obscene language or behave in such a way as to be liable to cause annoyance or distress to any other person.
A person shall not reprimand any official or employee of the Company or any caddie utilized by the Company for any reason whatsoever.
Dropping rubbish or cigarette butts anywhere on the Company property is unacceptable.
Golfers are not permitted to drink alcohol in excess at the club and any illegal substances are banned from VGCC
No person shall distract or disrupt other golfers during play on the course.
Fighting is considered a major breach of club rules. Persons who fight at any location on club property may be suspended or banned from the club.
Players who damage course in anger or disturb other golfers with anger outbursts may be asked to leave the golf course.
If you are unsure about the location of your ball, or if it is close to an Out Of Bounds area, it is always best to hit a provisional ball, to avoid having to come back to the tee box, if indeed the ball is lost or OOB.
The maximum time period for looking for a lost ball is 5minutes. If a situation occurs where a ball may be lost, consider calling the group behind up and through if they are ready to play. This will help the flow of play.
Vietnam GCC follows the R & A rules of golf, and uses the USGA handicap system. For any queries as regarding the rules or handicap system our staffs are available at anytime to assist you.
On the course, if a ruling is required, please do not hold up play waiting or deciding a ruling. In stroke play, you can play two balls on any hole where you are in doubt about a rule, then determine the proper ruling when you return to the Clubhouse.
For decisions on Rules please contact the Director of Golf or General Manager.
In the event of Closure of Golf Course due to Lighting or Severe Weather there will be:
One Long Blast on the Air Horn
Please take advice from the COURSE MARSHALS on Golfer Safety.
Two Short Blasts on Air Horns
Please take advice from the COURSE MARSHALS on Golfer Safety.
During times of Bad weather, all golfers must stop playing immediately and move to the nearest shelter. If Bad weather continues for a long period, our staff will collect golfers from shelters only when it is safe to do so. Players should wait out bad weather in a safe location.
The above is a new TITLEIST GOLF BAG, GOLF BUGGY & FULL SET OF GRAPHITE SHAFTED TITLEIST golf clubs…after being stuck by lighting..
Caddies are an extra service offered by VGCC. Caddies are trained to assist players with many things including information on the course, pulling of the golf bag, reading greens, distances and club selections, filling divots, pitch marks etc.
Some information like club selection and reading of greens is not an exact science, putting green surfaces vary from day to day as regards to speed, wet/dryness, firmness grain can vary from morning to afternoon, thus greens break will vary slightly from day to day. Making reading greens impossible to be correct all the time. Also each player’s putting stroke and holing speeds vary greatly. Our caddies generally have a good understanding of green break, but please don’t expect that they will give the perfect read every-time and remember the caddy is an assistant; and ultimately you the player are responsible for all decisions made on the course.
If you feel your caddy is not up to standard, please let us know so we can test & re-training.
Any information good or bad is always helpful so we can improve our services.
While on Golf Club premises, all members and their guests must maintain a reasonably conservative
standard of dress at all times, and dress in proper golf attire while on the course.
DENIM JEANS are definitely NOT permitted on the golf course regardless of label, style or color.
T-shirts (collarless shirts), sleeveless shirts and tracksuits are NOT permitted. Gentlemen must wear
collared shirts with sleeves, mock-neck shirts with sleeves.Athletic & exercise shorts, or combat shorts are NOT
permitted. New-style men's mid-calf length shorts/trousers are NOT permitted. Gentlemen may wear tailored trousers and shorts.
Ladies may wear sleeveless blouses provided that they are conservative and tasteful and of a type
commonly considered standard golf attire. Tracksuits and vests are NOT permitted. Long and short pants as well as
skirts are allowed. Athletic and exercise shorts and leotards are NOT permitted.
Suitable footwear must be worn in the Golf Clubhouse at all times. Only proper golf shoes with soft
spikes is permitted at the course. Footwear or clothing may NOT be changed in any room other than the
changing rooms.
If improperly dressed, members and their guests will be respectfully asked to change into proper attire. To save
embarrassment, members are requested to follow the Dress Code at all times.
Any complaint regarding the Company, other players, the facilities or its staff members shall be made in writing to the General Manager
Any person who, in the opinion of any Company’s official or employee, is in breach of the Club Etiquette policy or Company Rules shall be reported to the General Manager, who shall, if he sees fit :-
(a) forthwith stop such person from continuing the use of the Courses or other facilities of the Company; or
(b) refuse such person the use of the Courses or other facilities of the Company and ask that person to leave; or
(c) Suspend such persons from Vietnam Golf & Country Club from entering or using the club facilities in the future.
If players follow the guidelines in this section, it will make the game more enjoyable for everyone. As a player, you can be a leader following good etiquette yourself and provide a good example to those around you.
Most of all enjoy your round, golf is a leisure sport, and we are all amateurs and golf should be played in good spirit and a lighthearted manner at all times.